Taeyoon_Lee: 시도한 문제들

풀었나? 문제ID 문제 이름↓ 출제자 시도 횟수 정답 비율
MISPELL Mispelling VOCList 6519 48%
MONKEY Monkey Vines VOCList 252 39%
NQUEEN N-Queen JongMan 3686 50%
NERDS Nerd, or Not Nerd? JongMan 628 31%
NORMDIST Normal Distribution hyunhwan 274 16%
QUANTIZE Quantization JongMan 7330 34%
STARCRAFT S@iNT 그룹 권회장의 스타크래프트 대회 Taeyoon_Lee 814 39%
SETI SETI@ICPC Being 126 21%
SVSS Shuffle VS Sort Yongrok 16 31%
SORTGAME Sorting Game JongMan 3199 31%
SPKITE Space Kite Taeyoon_Lee 52 7%
CLOCKSYNC Synchronizing Clocks JongMan 13482 39%
DEATH The Game of Death JongMan 368 26%
CIV5 The number of shortest paths in Civilization V astein 580 8%
GRID Tiling a Grid With Dominoes VOCList 442 57%
TSP1 Traveling Salesman Problem 1 JongMan 3961 40%
TSP2 Traveling Salesman Problem 2 JongMan 2055 30%
TSP3 Traveling Salesman Problem 3 JongMan 1067 18%
TREECODE Tree Code Taeyoon_Lee 26 26%
TRIANGLE Triangle Intersection astein 33 6%