문제 목록: Algospot ICPC Seoul Regional Warmup 2011

풀었나? 문제ID 문제 이름 출제자 시도 횟수↓ 정답 비율
NIMN Nim N Game Being 19 31%
CHWA Prof. Chwa and his magicCircle class astein 20 25%
CUBESLIAR Cubes Incognitanus, the liar kcm1700 87 18%
STROBO Strobogrammatic Numbers Being 93 16%
PATTERNLOCK Pattern Lock wookayin 99 13%
FINALEXAM Final Exam kcm1700 118 16%
UNORDSEQ2 Unordered Subsequence 2 astein 119 31%
LECNOTE Lecture Note lewha0 157 3%
POKTANJU Poktanju ltdtl 158 10%
POPOWERWER poPOWERwer iddaga 409 40%
문제 분류