roomyroomy: 시도하지 않은 문제들

풀었나? 문제ID 문제 이름 출제자↓ 시도 횟수 정답 비율
TRIANGLE Triangle Intersection astein 33 6%
UNORDSEQ Unordered Subsequence astein 234 14%
XHAELAND Travel in xhaeland astein 64 10%
HAMMINGCODE Hamming Code astein 1623 59%
CHWA Prof. Chwa and his magicCircle class astein 20 25%
MBLOKUS Mini Blokus astein 32 56%
ANNIETIBBER Annie and Tibber astein 665 15%
SPOTBOARD Spotboard etaehyun4 69 21%
PARKINGLOT 주차장 etaehyun4 62 20%
LEAVINGSCHOOL 휴학의 길은 멀구나 etaehyun4 53 3%
NORMDIST Normal Distribution hyunhwan 274 16%
KEDIT Maximal K-edit Subset hyunhwan 10 10%
KNIVES 칼날 부채 hyunhwan 283 12%
HARVEST Harvest hyunhwan 179 14%
BASEBALL 2010 프로야구 hyunhwan 1020 18%
POPOWERWER poPOWERwer iddaga 409 40%
TALKJAIL Talk jail iddaga 101 16%
BUNT 번트의 장인 joinsung 241 8%
FINALEXAM Final Exam kcm1700 118 16%
IMGFILTER Image Filter kcm1700 175 44%